Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mid year resolution

Events, dear boy, events. I hope the events are largely over, so I am planning to start blogging again. I have also just started The Theory of Moral Sentiments, so there will be plenty of material. Reviewing the posts of the last six months was disappointing; I think I was getting sloppy and, worse, crabbed. A couple of friends will be reading the book with me, which might diminish the urge to write, but I will try.

Instead of discussing the first three chapters, I have a moral case to share. The garage at work is sometimes used by people who want to smoke meth (as I have seen them do) or drink malt liquor out of the rain. As a result cars are broken into every few months, though really that is much less often than I would have thought. It was my turn, along with several other people, last week. The thief got little from me, just some headphones and a few CDs, but he left a perfect scene in exchange. The Theory of Moral Sentiments was lying face up on the passenger seat; looking in at the cover, he had smashed the window, burying the book under glass, then leaned across it to rifle through what little I had left in the car. Seeing the title of the book just visible through all the glass made the experience almost, though perhaps not quite, worth it.

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